Meet the Creator of Cami Bears
Cami Bear was founded by Camille Borgas, who in 2013 created her first memorial bear following the passing of her mother. Over time her business has grown, as people recognise the healing comfort of having a teddy bear to hug and come to Camille in their time of need.
With her lovingly hand-crafted bears, and her kind and caring manner, Camille has been able help and support people from all walks of life who are going through a heart-breaking loss. She continues this work in the hope that she can make it just a little bit easier and more comforting for them as they go on their own healing journey.
When you purchase a Cami Bear, you can be assured it has been made with lots of love, compassion and understanding.

The Cami Bear Story
The idea for the Cami Bear came about after the loss of Camille’s beautiful mum. She battled ovarian cancer for 2 ½ years, but sadly passed away in May 2013. Having her live with the family throughout this time was a precious gift, as it brought them all closer and allowed many wonderful moments together. Nanny cuddles, laughs, tears through the tough times and long chats over coffee were memories they will all have forever.
After she had passed away Camille’s youngest daughter Tilly began collecting trinkets from Nanny’s room, as a way of keeping her close and coping with the loss. As she was only young, and loved all cuddly soft toys, Camille had the idea to make her a bear to keep the treasured keepsakes safe. This was the first Cami Bear, and Tilly still loves it as much today as she did back then, sleeping with her ‘Nanny Bear’ every night.
Seeing how much comfort it brought to Tilly, and still does to this day, Camille began to make these bears for others, to help them through their own grieving and healing journey.

Some Love From Our Recipients

Product Range
We offer a range of small, medium and large bears in a variety of colours and customised options available
Customise your Cami Bear with personal messages and sentimental additions

Talk to Camille
When you order a Cami Bear your order goes directly to Camille, who will hand craft your personalised Cami Bear with love, compassion understanding and prayers to help you through this time. If you need, you can contact her directly.